A Typical Day

Wake UP (Kima): The day starts with a wake-up song mix played over our camp-wide sounds system.
Morning Flag-Raising: (Mifkad Boker): We gather at the flagpole to raise the Canadian and Israeli flags, listen to the day’s announcements, and sing cheers with your kvutzah (age group)!
Breakfast (Aruchat Boker): Options include, applesauce, fruit salad, oatmeal, hard-boiled eggs, cereal, yogurt, olives, cottage cheese and freshly cut cucumbers and tomatoes.
Work (Avodah): Campers choose a work elective at the beginning of each session. Some of these options include serving breakfast, cleaning our various buildings, painting and building projects, or planting in our vegetable garden.
Age Group Activities (Peula Alef/PISH): Gesher's youth leadership prides itself on informal and experiential learning, bringing in the spirit of summer camp through fun, immersive activities.
Age Group Activities (Peula Bet): Campers will be taught new skills or perhaps discover a new passion led by our staff and outside professionals.
Singing (Shira): Camp songs in Hebrew and English.
Lunch (Aruchat Tzorayim)
Rest Time (Chofesh): Campers have time to relax in their cabins, to read or write letters home, practice their musical instruments, draw in the Arts & Crafts center, play cards, or talk with friends. A small break in our busy days.
General Swim (Schiya Klalit): Swimming in the beautiful Lake Pringle is a great way to cool down on a hot summer day!
Hobbies (Chuggim): Campers choose which activity they would like to "specialize" in during the session. Examples include sports, arts & crafts, yoga, messy fun, and board games.
Snack (Kibbud)
Evening Flag Lowering (Mifkad Erev): Campers may participate in a skit, or be treated to one by our amazing staff. There may be a newscast from our Shinshinim, a shmerel, or a birthday celebration complete with a plunge "IN THE LAKE"!
Dinner (Aruchat Erev)
Evening Activity (Tochnit Erev): Gesher's evening activities are usually camp-wide, and related to the summer's theme.
Camp Highlights

Some days we wake up and have been magically transported to another world! We spend the whole day in costumes, experiencing a day-long story, eating delicious food, and doing special activities. The coolest part about it is that often the days are planned by the oldest campers or madatz (CITs) – they get to take over camp and create magic for the younger campers!

On Shabbat morning, we continue to explore Jewish culture, history, tradition and text with storytelling, drama, games, art, reflection and discussion. Guided by our counselors, we make Judaism profound, personal and relevant.

Being in nature is part of what makes camp so special, and there’s no place quite like Ontario! Each session we go on a tiyul (trip) and spend a day and night out of camp - we hike, play lots of camouflage, learn about the natural beauty around us, have a campfire, and spend the night under the stars!