Habonim Dror (the Builders of Freedom):
is an international youth movement.
Habonim Dror North America (HDNA) is based on the pillars of Progressive Judaism, Social Justice, Community and Hagshama (actualization of values). Its mission is:
To create Jewish leaders who will actualize the principles of social justice, equality, peace, and coexistence in Israel and North America
To build a personal bond and commitment between North American Jewish youth and the State of Israel
There are six summer machanot (camps) in North America. They also run year-round kenim (local chapters) for kids starting in 2nd grade. Once campers reach high school, they can participate in HDNA leadership seminars and programs with peers from across the country and the world!
MBI: Machaneh Bonim
Israel Trip for teens entering grade 11
MBI is Habonim Dror’s five week program in Israel. Participants travel throughout Israel, learn about its history and contemporary society, and build strong ties with other campers of the same age.To learn more, click here

Gap Year Program
Workshop is Habonim Dror’s nine-month gap year program in Israel for high-school graduates. This program focuses on education and social service in Israel through communal living and relationship-building. To learn more, click here.