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The fee includes:

  1. Laundry

  2. Round-trip transportation from Toronto or Ottawa for Session 1, Session 2, and Full Session campers; 

  3. Any baggage handling prior to camp

  4. Camper T shirt

  5. HST


The fee does NOT include:

  1. Medical expenses (including prescriptions) not covered by OHIP and dental/orthodontic expenses;

  2. International Health Insurance (required for all non-Canadian campers);

  3. Any special travel arrangements; and 

  4. Kupah to be collected in cash at the bus

    • Suggested amount of Kupah is $50 per camper per session

    • For full summer campers including Madatz we suggest $100

    • For Madatz and Bogrimot we suggest $50 additional to cover custom kvutsa sweatshirts (or other SWAG of their choice). 



A $500 deposit is due along with your application for all sessions. An application is not considered complete until we have received your deposit. $250 from the deposit will be non-refundable, regardless of circumstances, to cover administrative costs associated with withdrawn registration. $250 from the deposit will be refundable until March 1. Cancellation after March 1 will result in the full loss of your deposit. Registration after March 1 means that your deposit is non-refundable in full.



Payments may be made by e-transfer or cheque. Payment can be made in full along with your deposit at the time of registration or split into equal payments. All payments must be completed in full by April 15th regardless of registration date. 

Extended payment plans may be possible to arrange - please contact our office to learn more. 



  • Early Bird Registration (4%): Please note that to take advantage of our Early Bird Registration rate, you must register for camp by October 31st and pay in full by January 15, 2025. (3 equal payments due on November 15, December 15, and January 15).

  • New Camper Discount (10%)  All first time First Session (and Ofarmiot Alef and Two Week Aleph) Gesher campers are eligible for a 10% discount.  

    • Camp Gesher will manually add the discount after registration.

    • New Campers are not eligible for Early Bird Discounts, as the new camper discount is a larger discount.

  • Second Session New Camper Discount (25%)  A first time Gesher camper registering for the Second Session (and Ofarimot Bet or Two Week Bet) are eligible for a 25% discount.  

    • Camp Gesher will manually add the discount after registration.

    • New Campers are not eligible for Early Bird Discounts, as the new camper discount is a larger discount.

  • Refer a Friend: We encourage you to take advantage of our referral rewards program. When you recruit new campers, you will receive a $250 credit. You can also host a parlour (info session) and get an additional $100 credit just for hosting! 

  • Non-GTA Discount: $250 Discount for Non-GTA campers (Including Ottawa, Montreal and US Campers).

  • Israeli campers $500 Discount for (this is for Israeli campers traveling from Israel, not for Israelis who live in Canada).


Late Registration:

Please note that there is a $250 fee for late registration (after April 15th).


Session Extensions:

If your camper would like to extend their stay during the summer, we will happily accommodate.  Your fees will be calculated based on your initial registrations (If you had an early bird discount, you will get the early bird discount for your extension). As well, the late registration fee will NOT be applied to session extensions.


Additional Charges:

Occasionally, there may be additional charges for specific things, usually things such as medical prescriptions, lice treatments, medical care not covered by OHIP, etc. In this case, the camp will cover the cost and request reimbursement. Please ensure that you remit payment in a timely manner. 


Cancellation and Refunds:

Our operating costs are by and large fixed for the season by the spring. 

If a camper withdraws between March 31st and May 31st, an additional $500 (plus the $500 deposit) will be forfeited to the camp. 

If a camper withdraws for any reason on or after June 1st, the entire camp fee will be forfeited. 

Once a camper arrives at camp, no refunds will be issued in the case that your child leaves camp early or misses days of camp for any reason*.


* Special consideration may be made if leaving camp for medical reasons. 

This policy enables us to continue keeping camp affordable, invest in our programming, site, and staff, and provide needs-based support to reduce access barriers to camp. 


Transportation for 2025:

Camp Gesher provides bus transportation from Toronto and Ottawa on the first and last day of Session 1 and Session 2. 

  • We ask that campers traveling from out-of-town by train or by plane arrange to arrive in Toronto with enough time to ride on the camper bus to camp. We also ask that out-of-town campers arrange their return travel with enough time to ride on the Camp Gesher bus back to Toronto. Camp Gesher will not provide any additional transportation for out-of-town campers for their travel other than to Toronto or Ottawa

  • Ofarimot Starter Session campers and 2 Week campers will be picked up by parents on their respective departure dates from camp. Pick up will be at Camp Gesher at 11:00 AM.


Introductory Session Registration Policies:

Camp Gesher has created multiple introductory sessions with a variety of lengths over the past few years in recognition that not all campers are ready for a full length session. 


These programs are meant as an introductory program and not to be repeated. 

Should you register your child(ren) for a session in which they are no longer eligible, we will manually register them for the appropriate session and email you as soon as possible. Should you still want to register your chil(ren) for the shorter length of time, you will be charged for the camper session they should be registered for. The following are the session registration policies.


  1. Ofarimot Starter: Campers who previously completed the Ofarimot Starter Program after Grade 1 must register for a Two Week Session instead. Please note, that regardless of if a camper will be in a one week or two week program, all Ofarimot will be in the same Kvutsa.

  2. Two Week Sessions Aleph and Bet are for campers who have completed grades 2-6. Campers are eligible to participate in this program one time. Campers who have previously participated in a Two Week Session are not eligible for the Two Week Session program, and must register for a full length session (first session, second session or Full Summer). Campers who have previously participated in a longer session are not eligible for this program.

Click Below to Review These Important Registration Documents

Terms and Conditions

Camper Code of Conduct

Parent Code of Conduct


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