Shabbat at Gesher is a community-created experience. Starting mid-day Friday, the different kvutzot (age groups) take on one responsibility so that Gesher Shabbat can happen. Some set the tables, bake challah, others prepare a song to sing to the camp as we greet Shabbat, or plan a play for our Friday night "oneg".
We welcome Shabbat with a special Mifkad including a story related to the weekly Torah Portion followed by singing songs as a community on our Lake Pringle beachfront.
We walk as a group to the dining hall and engage in a spirited Shabbat Shira in our dining hall. Each week a Kvutsah will lead the Shabbat Blessings starting with Shalom Aleichem and ending with Hamotzi. A special Camp Gesher tradition is our Thanksgiving Dinner on the final Shabbat of the summer.
After dinner the hilight of the week is Rikud!
Our Saturday takes on a restful feel with a sleep in (if wanted, if not wanted, there are plenty of activities for early risers).
Camper-Run Play (Oneg Shabbat): Each week, a different kvutzah (age group) has the chance to write, direct, star in, and create costumes for a play. It’s another way to build teamwork skills in a fun and creative way. It is presented in front of the entire camp.
Israeli Dancing (Rikkudim): Everyone loves dancing late into the evening on Fridays! We learn traditional circle dances, modern line dances, and even make up our own! No previous experience or skill needed - counselors and older campers teach and escort new campers throughout dances, and make sure everyone is included. Learn more here...
Morning gaga: Calling all gaga-enthusiasts - Shabbat morning starts with a sleep in, plus board games and a gaga tournament for the early risers!
Electives (chuggim): Our Shabbat schedule is much more relaxed than the average day. There are multiple opportunities to choose special chuggim (electives) to match different Shabbat vibes - reflective and calm or fun and wacky adventures!
Musicale: During Musicale, campers have a chance to perform in front of the rest of camp - they can play an instrument, sing, or read poetry. It’s a fantastic opportunity to share musical and poetic passions in a warm and supportive environment.
Zman Madatz: To make Shabbat even more special, the CITs (madatz) plan and run special games and activities. Sometimes everyone is in teams, playing a camp-wide game, and sometimes we’re experiencing smaller group bonding activities by kvutzah (age group.)
Tzevet-Madatz Basketball Game: Following dinner, a fun, yet competitive game of basketball is played between the counsellors and the CIT's. This is an entertaining spectacle for campers to cheer, chant and watch their favourite counsellors participate in sports.
Havdallah: Havdallah marks the end of Shabbat on Saturday night. During Havdallah, the entire camp comes together to sing the Havdallah songs, reflect, and listen to music. Sitting or lying down under the stars is a beautiful way to welcome in the new week.
Movie Night: "Everybody loves Saturday Night!" Following Havdallah, a variety of movies, appropriate for each age group are played throughout camp. This is a great way for campers to spend time with one another, and eat kupa candy.